Hello everyone.
I would just like to greet everyone who is still active on this server, whether you're only active via the forums or you still play in-game! Hello.
Just thought I would have a break and join the server (now been pause kicked) as it's been a few years since I've joined the server and checked out the forums.
I hope you all here have been coping quite sufficiently over the past few years with Covid making itself very well known to many friends, family and workplaces
over these years.
It has been complete hell for a lot of us, with some of us losing loved ones, and jobs, and coming down with the dreaded disease. One benefit of covid is it managed to pump some life
back into SA-MP that was on the borderline of becoming obsolete for a lot of us out there. To those who are still active in the staff team, hellmatic, and Handjobs it is good to see
the server is still running.
I am still fairly active on sa-mp, spending more or less of my time being the lead manager of a fairly well-known server. Aka - Operations Manager - overseeing the entire server on a day-to-day basis. I'll try to pop in on here every few months, or if I see some familiar faces online.
Anyway, I hope you're all doing well.
Opalniuk (Aka: Karbz)